Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Sara (friend from Ohio) actually came up from San Diego on Thursday before she was admitted to the NICU. She started driving when she heard that I was having the baby, and showed up unexpectedly. It was amazing to have her there for the afternoon. She brought youth copies of "Anne of Green Gables" and "Anne of Avonlea" books for Avonlea's library! How adorable! She also brought Thursday's newspaper, and a few of the popular magazines to show what the headlines were. What a thoughtful gift!  My friend Stacey also came on Thursday, but we didn't get a picture...oh, well--we got one later.

Even though she was in the NICU, Avonlea had plenty of visitors--and because she was full-term, everyone was able to hold her!

Emilie and Patrick (Emilie and I worked at Old Navy together, now they go to our church):

Bonnie (Cedarville connection, and church friend--and they are in our community group, too!):

Miss Kerry (who brought YUMMY cupcakes, too!) (church friend--also ran the Tinkerbell Half with me):

Stacey and Rick (our friends from church who live right down the street from us--She's from Ohio, and they're expecting in August!):

Jessie (great friend from church):

Sergio and Palma (our community group hosts):

 (please to ignore how completely hopeless and drugged I look in this pic--that was engorged day.)

Our friends Link and Christy (from church) and their kids came, too, but alas, I didn't get a picture of them, either. Too much to think about, I guess!

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