Monday, April 8, 2013

41 Week Appointment

This was taken yesterday at Griffith Observatory. 40 weeks, 5 days. Might take a daily pic from now on, just in case.

We dropped Ashley off at the airport this morning. Sad that she couldn't be here for Avonlea's arrival, but we're both dealing with the disappointment.

Avonlea is just proving to be a little bit like her mom and dad:
Late like mom.
Cynical of traditional superstitions like dad.

Nick doesn't believe in the salad dressing/tea/walk remedies that everyone suggests. I guess Avonlea doesn't believe in them, either.

We are headed to the doctor to find out what he thinks.

Back from the doctor.

In his words, "OMG, she's a mile up there."

He did a fetal heart monitor for a while, and her heartbeat is still strong and steady.  Nick took a video:

The doc laid out our options:
1. Wait, but not for long. Next week, I will be 42 weeks, and he is uncomfortable waiting that long because of fetal distress. He suggested coming in on Wednesday to see if there is any progress, but he is doubtful, since she is so high up.
2. If there is no progress by Wednesday, schedule an induction before the end of the week, which he says, "most likely will lead to a C-Section".
3. If there is no progress by Wednesday, schedule a C-Section anyway, so that I don't go into the surgery exhausted from unproductive labor.

As you can see, he kind of favors a C-section at this point.

I made sure to let him know that I didn't want to have any interventions, and that I didn't want to have a C-section.

I guess the question is, 'What if'?  What if I wait until next Monday? I mean, what if my due date was calculated wrong? After all, I conceived sometime between July 12 and July 15--which puts my due date between the 4th and 7th. So, I'm not super overdue.
BUT, the doctor calculates from first day of last period, which puts my due date at the 2nd.

So, what if I wait? What if I don't get induced? Am I willing to take the risk? Is the Dr willing to take the risk?

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