Monday, April 1, 2013

A Visit to the Doctor

I find it to be incredibly rude when you arrive early or on time to an appointment at the doctor, and you still end up spending over an hour in the office--especially when your time with the doctor is about 3 minutes long. It really makes me crazy.

I had my appointment today--39 weeks, 5 days. My appointment was at 2:45. At 3:35 we got in to the room (Ashley went with me). At 3:55 the doctor came in, and at 4:00 he was done. When he was leaving, he said that I needed to go to a perinatologist to get an ultrasound to check for my size and dates.  By 4:15 I was finally getting my appointment set up for next week.

While we were in the waiting room, I made a 4:30 appointment to take Ashley with me on the Warner Brothers Studio Tour. It's one of the best tours in Los Angeles--one I have wanted to go on since moving here. Nick went with his office mates at Christmas, but I haven't been able to go! We had plans made for tomorrow, and since I had a feeling that Avonlea wouldn't come today, I figured we might as well go ahead and schedule the tour. I figured we'd be out of the office around 3:30 or so, so we would have plenty of time to get there.

The receptionist at the doctor tells me that there is a space available at the perinatologist, and I can head over there right now. Umm...were you even going to ask? I have an appointment at 4:30!  Now, if we had gotten out of the appointment in a relatively decent time, I might have been able to make it. But not at 4:15 when we're supposed to check in for our tour at 4:15. The receptionist seemed annoyed at me, and told me I would need to call them to set up another appointment. (You're annoyed at ME?)

On the way to the Studio Tour, I called the perinatologist back and asked for a different appointment. They were booked for the next week. They said to call another office to set up something with them--but they were booked for the next 2 weeks. At that point, I just said to myself, "screw it", and we headed into the WB lot.

As it turns out, the WB website didn't register my online registration. So, they set me up for a tour tomorrow, gave me $5 off per ticket, and waived my service fee. So I called the first perinatologist back AGAIN to see if they could get me in. It is 4:35 at this point. They said they were closed, but asked how long it would take for me to get there. Thankfully, in Burbank, all these places I was going to are within a 5-minute drive of each other.  So, I was able to get to the perinatologist before they closed.

And I got to see my baby girl!

The perinatologist was an awesome guy. Totally patient, even though I knew I was the very last customer of the day (and they actually kept the office open for me). He walked me through the ultrasound, pointing out her head, her little round belly, and her femur. He showed us the details of her face, and showed us as much of a 3D ultrasound as he could (she's so big--she's hiding up against my uterine wall and her arm was covering the other part of her face). He measured the amniotic fluid, to make sure that everything was still okay, and he said everything looked great.  He confirmed (again) that it is a girl, by taking a lovely shot of her labia.  Thanks, Doc. I'm sure she'll love that pic when she's older. :)  He then took a great shot of her profile--the best pic we've had yet. He mentioned that she is around 8lbs, 11oz. He commented that while she is big, she's not too big yet. He showed us a chart and she was about halfway between the "normal" and "big" line.  He mentioned how tall I am and how he doesn't think she is that big comparatively.  He'll give the info to my doctor, and he said that my doctor might talk with me about inducing if he feels like I might need it. He commented, though, that I looked really good--that my arms and legs weren't big, and that I looked like I was "all belly". Way to go, Doc!

We mentioned that we would love for her to arrive while Ashley is in town, and that maybe she's waiting for my dad to get here on Wednesday. He asked when Ashley was leaving, and when Ashley said Monday, he said, "Oh, she should be here one way or another by next Monday."

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