Wednesday, April 10, 2013

5:45pm Update

In the morning, I started texting a few people to let them know that the progress had started.

I had a Doctor's appointment at 2pm, and I needed to call them to find out if they wanted me to come in, or wait.

Unfortunately, like I suspected, they wanted me to get to the hospital "to be safe".

So, now I am at the hospital. We got all checked in, they took my blood pressure and temperature, and measured me. I am at 1cm. A-woo-hoo.

They hooked me up to a fetal heart monitor a few times, and checked for contractions, but not much is happening, other than me leaking through everything in sight.

They're willing to go at least 36 hours without starting Pitocin, so I'm going to take as much of that time as possible. I really do want to go as naturally as I can, and I just don't think she's ready yet.  Because her heartbeat and everything are really strong still, I feel comfortable waiting it out.

Now I'm just making myself as comfortable as possible.  My back aches are getting stronger, so I'm trying to stay upright and move around as much as I can to help ease them.


  1. Yay! You are so strong, and so amazing. Sending lots of love and prayers your way. Come on out, Avonlea!!

  2. So excited for you!! I can't wait to see this sweet little baby!!! You look fabulous, even in the hospital :)
