Saturday, July 20, 2013

My High-Maintenance Girl

(This post is very whiny. I'm sorry. But this is where I document, and whiny is what I am today.)

I love my daughter. I really do.  But MAN she is turning out to be high-maintenance!

She can't sleep without being swaddled, but she wakes up every couple of hours, frustrated with being in a swaddle.
She can't be swaddled in a blanket, because she fights her way out of it.
She can't be swaddled in the (expensive) Woombie I bought, because she can move her arms too much.
She doesn't fit in any of the SwaddleMe blankets we have, and the one she does fit in doesn't velcro shut very well, so she pops out of it all the time--and then wakes up.
She is frustrated by the (expensive) Miracle Blanket I just bought.
Oh--and she won't fall asleep on me, which would be a sweet alternative.

She doesn't like to be put down.
She has to be facing out (like in the pic above), or up high on my chest, looking over my shoulder.
She does not like the Moby wrap.
She does not like the Ergo carrier.
She does not like the Baby Bjorn (when she is facing me).
She will only ride in a carrier if she is facing out.

She hates the car seat now. She will scream and cry if it is still. If we are holding it and moving it around, she does not cry, but as soon as we snap it into the car, the yelling starts.
The days of her 4 hour epic naps in the car seat are over. I used to be able to go somewhere and get her to fall asleep in her car seat and then bring her home and put her in her bed. Those days are no more.

She will not take a bottle. She will not take a paci.
I have tried 4 different bottles and 3 different pacis.
I try every day to get her to take a paci. Nothing.
The only way she eats anything if I am not home to breastfeed is if milk is dripped out of the bottle into her mouth. The last time I went out on a date, my sitter was able to get her an ounce that way.

She has around 30 seconds of quiet tummy time. After that, it is fussing and crying, and then screaming. I try to break it up by doing some rolling practice. The physical therapist said she needs as much tummy time as possible, because her head is flat. Lovely.

Oh--and this week, she has decided that 3 20-minute naps are completely sufficient. But while she's awake, she rubs her eyes and fusses the whole time.  One day this week, I literally tried to get her to take a nap for an hour. It was completely stupid. And then at night, she is only sleeping 3-4 hours at a time.

As a teacher, I was kind of a harda$$. I stood my ground and didn't let my kids get away with ridiculous behavior.

And yet, here I am, with a daughter who has ridiculous behavior. Some days, like today, I am just exhausted. After all, I end up handling or carrying her for most of the day, because I feel bad leaving her laying somewhere because of her flat head. Thankfully, she is now to the point where she can sit up in the Boppy or the high chair, so that gives me some free hands time.

I do not like this phase.

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