Thursday, August 9, 2012

So Far.... (5 week update)

Someone said that the more side effects you have, the better it is for your baby's growth.  Well, our little poppy seed is obviously hanging in there, because I have felt terrible this week!

*Never thought I would be this tired. Seriously, I could sleep 18 hours a day. A couple of times I have fallen asleep on the couch at 6:30.
*Hungry all the time.
*I think I am peeing 10 times a day.
*Ow, my boobs hurt (yeah, TMI).
*Nauseous all the time. No throwing up yet, but definitely nauseated.

No Mt. Dew for 9 months. I didn't really crave it my first week, but this second week is killer! I just want one taste!

I took another pregancy test this week, just to be sure. It still said pregnant--so weird!

I have been Googling random questions that pop into my head. Questions like, "Can I eat bacon while I am pregnant?" "Is cramping normal while pregnant?" and "What helps nausea?"  I know I need to avoid Googling too much, but sometimes it's handy to get an answer right away.

Because of the nausea and the general feelings of ickiness, I haven't really done much of anything this week. I just can't seem to get up!  And then I do, and I am SO TIRED a couple of hours (or minutes) later. It's kind of ridiculous.  I have had off of work this week, and I have used the afternoons to take 1-3 hour naps. How old am I??

Our first doctor's appointment is August 22nd. I can't wait until that day!  Nick asked if he should go. Umm...yeah!

Oh--and I started taking these horse pills. CRAZY!


  1. Ha Ha! That is how I felt with Kaleigha! I seriously ate all the time when I was pregnant with her - it helped me feel better!!

