Monday, August 20, 2012

7 Week Blues

Wish I could say I have been enjoying this pregnancy, but I really haven't. It's mainly because I feel like *%&$ all of the time. I know, I know, it will all be worth it. But I hate being on the edge of puking all the time. And losing my taste for all foods. And being constipated. And being tired. And feeling like a crappy wife because I don't have energy to do anything.

I try to stay positive, but I am in a funk. I just feel like I am in a permanent "bummed out" phase. My friends at church have noticed, and are trying to do things to make me feel better, but I just can't seem to get happy.

I'm really hoping this will change. I recognize that I am in a funk, but I can't seem to do anything to get out of it.  I guess when the 7-week email said, "Expect moodiness", this is what it meant.


  1. Hopefully the second trimester will be as awesome for you as it was for me. When I was pregnant with Payton during the second trimester I told John, "I could be pregnant in the second trimester all my life!" Love you!

  2. 18 weeks, 18 weeks, 18 weeks... get to that. you can do it.
