Wednesday, May 8, 2013

1 Month Checkup

We went for our 1-month checkup today, and can I just take a step back and say, holy cow she's one month old already?  I really do feel like I just got her--it definitely does not seem like a month.

Here's her stats:
She weighs 9lbs, 5oz, and is in the 50th percentile.
She is 21 1/2" long, and is in the 75th percentile.
Her head is 15" in diameter, in the 90th percentile.

Because we had to go to the doctor last week for her eye infection (which the medicine has cleared up nicely), she was weighed last week--and hasn't gained any weight since then (she actually went down an ounce and a half).  The doctor is concerned as to why she hasn't gained any weight, so he wants to see us back in 2 weeks to make sure she is gaining weight. He wants to see at least a 10oz weight gain by next time.

Of course, this makes me worry about feeding. I am feeding her every 2 hours during the day (unless she takes one of her marathon naps), and every 4 hours at night. She seems to eat like a champ, but maybe she isn't, since she didn't gain any weight? The doctor said to watch her to make sure she is swallowing. I'm hoping that feeding her with the nipple shield isn't causing any trouble. She has a really hard time eating without it.

I don't need anything else to worry about!!


  1. You can do it! My little bean is 5 months and I use a shield. We had to do marathon feedings for a couple days after we brought her home and go into the doctor every three days for a couple weeks to check, but her weight came up each time. I had to feed her every 2-3 hours, waking her if she was sleeping, which broke my heart, but it did the trick! I'm sure she will gain. Love reading about your journey, I went to DC with Ashley and Brandon. Hang in there, you can do it!

  2. If you are really worried about how much she is getting, find a lac consultant or someone with a good infant scale and weigh her before and after a feeding. I was worried about eli getting enough...knowing he was in fact getting plenty helped me relax. Hang in there and try not to stress...the first few months of breastfeeding can be hard, but it is worth it.
