Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Waiting Game

Well, we are now just waiting. All of our classes are done, our room is ready, we have diapers and a stroller and a car seat and clothes.

I've been reading like a madwoman, and have been baking/cooking some frozen meals to have ready. Tonight's prep was mini-meatloaves in a muffin pan, and they look SOOO good. Hopefully the burgers Nick is grilling will hit the spot. :)

We went today to get an adapter for our BOB stroller--it is made to hook into our BOB and is designed for our Chicco KeyFit--so we saved $75 by not needing to buy another stroller frame!  We also bought a glider chair from Craigslist for $90. It was a little more than I was expecting to spend, but I also got a much nicer glider than I was anticipating. I thought I would need to re-cover the one I bought, but this one came from a really nice home and was taken care of really well.

I am definitely more uncomfortable. If I move too quickly, I have pains. If I roll over without thinking through my technique (like, in the middle of the night), I have pains. If I stretch my legs too far apart, I feel like she's knocking on the door of my va-jay-jay. When I walk around, I find myself holding up the bottom of my belly to take pressure off. And please, oh please, don't let me sneeze!

Most of the time, her movements are a lot more uncomfortable for me now. She hits me pretty painfully on the right side. It's really bad if I wake up having been on my right side--she is so heavy over there, and I feel like that side of me is stretching out like crazy.

All of this, and I still don't feel like I'm ready. I'm not ready for her to come out, because the next part of our lives are going to start. My body is ready, but my spirit is more nervous than anything else!

Doctor's appointment tomorrow morning, so we'll see how she's doing.  And....Ashley gets here on Friday!!

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