Sunday, September 16, 2012

That was a first.

Just ordered my first maternity clothes!

I got some basics from Old Navy:
4 tops,
3 tanks,
1 pair of trouser jeans (demi panel)
and 1 pair of dark wash skinny jeans (full panel)

Awesome, except I totally forgot to use my employee discount, so when everything comes in, I'm going to have to go and get the price adjusted in the store. Maternity brain strikes again!!

Speaking of maternity brain, here is the best example so far:

I went to In-N-Out for dinner one night (fries craving), and when I got up to the window, I gave them my credit card. Well, they don't take AmEx--which was weird, because I knew that, and that isn't the card I would normally use. I look through my wallet, and I CANNOT find my regular card. I kind of start freaking out a little bit, because I can't remember where I would've put it, or when I would've used it last. There were people behind me and in front of me in the drive thru, and I was super embarrassed. Thankfully, the manager just asked me to come back and pay later, and they would give me my food (didn't even have to tell him I was pregnant--yay In-N-Out). I get home, and am getting my stuff together (and worrying about how I am going to pay them, because I don't have any cash or anything), and I notice that my credit card I was searching for....was in my lap. I then remembered that at the beginning of the drive-thru line, I thought I would save myself some time by getting my card out early--but then I completely forgot that I did that!


p.s. Yes, I DID go back to In-N-Out and pay.

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