Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Friends are Treasures

A friend of mine wrote me an email in response to my post a few days ago, and it spoke so clearly to me that I wanted to keep a record of it. So I've decided to post the text here. To this friend: your words came in a moment I desperately needed to hear these specific words of encouragement. I am so thankful for you, and will continue to return to these words over the next few months, I am sure!

"Love the blog. I thought about commenting on the post, but then I thought I'd just write you. Oh my friend, you are in full-blown motherdom. There are few situations in which a person can fill such INTENSE mixed emotions. You feel like *&%$ right now. It makes sense that you would be depressed. It makes sense that you don't know whether or not to be excited. It makes sense that nannying is hard (I don't really like babysitting much at all, unless it's for kids I love, and even then....well.) It's like marriage...the hardest thing and the most wonderful thing. But once you look into those little eyes, those eyes that are part Allison and part Nick, you will fall in love in a whole new way. Yes, it will be crazy, and you won't know what you're doing, and you'll wonder who signed you up for this, but you will do it. And a few years down the road, you'll be writing to a pregnant friend and telling her the same thing.

I remember those days of early pregnancy. They sucked. I just wanted them to be over. Every day dragged on forever. But then one day, I felt something lifting. And the next day I felt a little better. And the next day I dared to hope the sickness was subsiding. And then it did (I know that as a teacher you taught your kids not to start sentences with "and then." I'm a rebel.)  You are going to be an incredible mother. When those feelings of doubt or anger or depression or frustration come, know that they are totally normal, and if you can, try to turn them into a prayer (hmmm, I'm one to talk...) I know it must be so hard not to have your mom to talk to about all of this. I'm so, so sorry. I can't imagine how badly that hurts and the depth of the loss you feel. The one thing I know though, is that your mom gave birth to baby who would become an incredible woman, who is talented, smart, funny, fun-loving, radiant, creative, positive, beautiful, and most of all a child of God, who will herself be an amazing mother.

I'm here for you. PLEASE tell me what I can do and how I can help. I know it feels like you're in a dark hole with a cloud hanging over you, but keep going, my friend. You are running a marathon of sorts...but you are an amazing runner, and more importantly, you know the One who can teach you how to run.

I love you!!"

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