Monday, September 30, 2013

New Milestones

We gave Avonlea her first tastes of "real" food this week.  Amazingly, I didn't get her first tastes on video or in a picture!  Shocker, I know.  :)

I have resisted giving her solid foods because I want her to stay on mama milk as long as possible.  After all, we worked SO HARD to get the breastfeeding thing going--I'm not going to stop yet!  :)  Also, it is just *easier* to do breastmilk only. And, as I think we are establishing that I am the laziest mom ever, I will definitely go for the easiest option.

I also didn't want to force the issue if she wasn't ready.  But, I knew that she was ready when she started grabbing for everything, and being very interested in what I had in my mouth.  We've been giving her water from a straw for the last few weeks, and she has slowly figured out how to keep it in her mouth, instead of letting it dribble all over her clothes.  Since she has learned how to use her tongue correctly, I figured it was time to start solids.

First, I gave her a little kernel of the oatmeal I was eating.  It wasn't really a planned thing. But I was eating it, and she was watching me so intently, that I put a little bit into her mouth. Her little face was so funny!

Then, last Sunday, it was a taste of the tomato basil soup I was eating. Daddy was there to see it, and he asked, "should we be recording this?"  Since I only gave her a smidgen, we didn't record it.

At my mom's group on Tuesday, I was eating a pear slice, and she completely commandeered it.  She was sucking on it, and "chewing" on it, and having a grand old time. :)  That time, I *did* get a pic:

Finally, this weekend, when we went to San Diego, she would not breastfeed in the car. She is definitely to the point where she won't eat if there are any distractions. At home, I have to go in her room and turn the lights off for her to eat. In the car, in a parking lot with wind and cars, etc, there was no way she was going to eat.  So, we went inside the Target where we were parked, and I bought a pouch of pears.

Can we talk for a second about the lack of jars anymore?  I miss those little jars.  The end (I said it would only be a second).

So, while we were driving, I fed her some pears.  This time, I did get it on video:

I also took some pictures:

I went to the grocery last night after we got back and picked up some pears, avocadoes, prunes, chicken, mangoes, and sweet potatoes.  Girl is going full-on into solids!  I am going to try to make as much baby food as possible.  I bought these baby food freezing trays, and a travel spoon set. Now I need to bust out the bibs, too.

1 comment:

  1. At first I would squeeze pouch food onto a spoon to get her used to a spoon. Looks like she is totally ready!
