Wednesday, August 7, 2013

My Little Mogwai

You know the movie Gremlins, right?  Kid buys this cute little Mogwai named Gizmo, with strict instructions not to get it wet or feed it after midnight, but there's an accident and Gizmo gets hit by water and produces MORE Mogwai who trick the kid into feeding them after midnight and they turn into Gremlins that terrorize the neighborhood?

I think my kid is a Mogwai.

Let me explain:

My girl is too big for the Miracle Blanket now. She's been able to get her arms out every night over the last week (she is The Hulk, I'm telling you!). So, I went to Target yesterday and bought 2 new LARGE SwaddleMe blankets (the ones with the Velcro). At this point, we have done the regular swaddle blankets (from Aden+Anais), the SwaddleMe, the Woombie, and the Miracle Blanket.  Now we're back to the SwaddleMe.

Last night:

8:15pm - Fed right before bed, then down to sleep (went down with less than 3 minutes of fussing--our nighttime routine is great).

10:30pm - Mommy just asleep, Avonlea wakes up, fighting out of her swaddle and fussing. Tried to shush her back to sleep, but she just got more and more worked up. Fed her again, fell right to sleep.

12:30am - Avonlea wakes up with both arms out of her swaddle. Wrapped her in her swaddle again, then zipped her up in the Woombie (yes, that's TWO swaddles at once). Fed her again, went right to sleep.

3:30am - Avonlea wakes up, fighting her swaddles. Fed her for a really short amount of time before she fell asleep "on the boob".

5:30am - Avonlea has managed to get one little hand up and out of both her swaddle AND the Woombie, and is scratching the craziness out of her ear (she does this when she's mad--she has cuts inside her ear from it) and yelling at me.  Re-wrap her, change her diaper, feed and put back to sleep.

7:45am - Avonlea in and out of light sleep, fighting her swaddle...again.  She has fought so much that she has inched herself up in the pack-n-play so that her head is right up against the top. I let her fuss for a while before getting her up at 8am to eat.

Can you see why I am exhausted?  This happens EVERY. NIGHT.  My little girl who slept for a 5- or 6-hour stretch, ate, then slept 3-4 hours has disappeared, and I am left with this awful Mogwai instead.  I KNOW she doesn't need to eat this often. In fact, most of the time, she spits up after eating. But I don't know how else to shush her. It would be great if she took a paci, because she could get that suck reflex soothed. But NOOOO, my girl won't take one. So I am stuck being the paci.

If my daughter jumps into a swimming pool without my knowledge, be worried.  (Gremlins reference, for those uninformed.)

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