Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Letter to Baby

Dear Avonlea,

You are two months old. Really? I can't believe how quickly two months has gone by. It's funny--there are times when I feel like it is the fastest two months ever recorded, and there are times when I feel like they are the slowest two months.

You are getting so big. We go to the doctor on Friday for your 2 month appointment to find out your official measurements, but I measured you with my measuring tape the other day, and you were between 23 and 24 inches long. Wow! I don't know how much you weigh yet, but I know you're chunking up a little--your cheeks are plumper and your thighs are getting chunky. I am ecstatic, because I LOVE chunky thighs!

You are 90% off of the nipple shield. I don't use it at all during the day. It still hurts when you latch on, because you tend to not open your mouth enough, but I try to grit my teeth through it, and it hurts less as the feeding continues. We use the shield during the overnight feedings because I am usually so full that it's hard for you to eat.

I am full because you are a great sleeper! You've been sleeping about 6 1/2 hours during the first stretch, then waking up to eat, and then sleeping another 3-4 hours. Your naps during the day have gotten shorter, but you're still sleeping every 3 hours or so.

You love looking around at your toys. There's a Baby Einstein toy that you are fascinated with--the blinking lights make your eyes open really wide. We read your first book together, too. You sat on my lap as we read "Go, Dog, Go" together. You stared at the pictures as I read the story.  Every day we read "The Jesus Storybook Bible" together, too, but you don't look at the pictures--you usually fall asleep! That's my girl...falling asleep in church already. :)

Speaking of church, we have gone every week the past month. You do a great job. You like listening to the music. We usually don't sit in for the whole service because you get hungry. Last week, you went into the nursery for the first time. Miss Hannah said you did a great job, and only fussed right at the end. Everyone loved the pretty outfit that Bonnie got for you.

We have started physical therapy for your neck. You really don't like the exercises we have to do! I can already tell that your neck is turning better, though, so we will keep working on them!

You still love to be outside. If you are crying, you will instantly stop once we get outside. I have been running in the mornings, and you like to be with me in the stroller. You usually fall asleep by the end of my run.

I love spending my day with you. I love seeing how you are learning and growing right before my eyes. There are things that I see you figuring out, and it is amazing to see you change and mature so quickly. I thank God every day for the gift that is you.

I love you,

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