Saturday, June 8, 2013

I'm Coming Home...

We are going back to Ohio!

It was ridiculous. I looked at tickets all week, and they were hanging around the (usual) $315/ea. mark. Thursday night, Nick said for me to go ahead and book the tickets the next day. Well, Friday morning, they had jumped up to $500/ea or more!  We waited until Tuesday, hoping the price would go down, but it didn't, so we just booked it. After all, Avonlea isn't getting any younger, I'm tired of fielding the "when are you coming home?" question, and we don't know what's going to happen in the future.

So...we're coming home!

We leave Thursday at 11:30pm, arriving in Dayton on Friday morning at 8am.  We'll stay for 2 weekends, and then leave on Tuesday the 2nd of July at 6am.

My little girl gets to meet her family!!!  Nick's mom is planning on coming into town (I feel bad that we can't go to Chicago area as well, but there just isn't time), and we'll take Avonlea to meet my grandparents and aunts and uncles, and the 2nd weekend we'll drive down to Lexington to stay with Brandon and Ashley for the weekend.

My Dad will actually get to meet her sooner. He is actually flying in on Father's Day, and will stay with us that week and fly back to Ohio on the same flight as us.  This is a blessing, because it means I won't have to breastfeed in between two strangers. Yay!

As for the flight, I am admittedly very nervous.  The reason I didn't fly to Ohio in May is because Avonlea was a very fussy infant. She cried a lot, and I didn't want to take that onto a plane and risk ticking off a plane full of people.  Well, she still cries a lot. It is better than it was, she's not full-blown nuclear crying all the time now, but she is definitely fussy. She likes to be upright, and walking around our house--and on the flight she's going to be stuck in the same seat with me for a 4-hour flight, and an hour flight (we have a layover in Chicago).

I'm hoping that the red-eye flight will help, that she'll sleep well on the flight. But she doesn't sleep in my arms EVER, so it could be interesting.

I think we just need prayer. I don't want my little Fuss Face to ruin the flight for others (and us, as well). I'm already planning on making the little airline kits for our flight neighbors (saw them on Pinterest), but there's only so much I can do. I've been praying, and I will continue to pray that something miraculous will happen, and that Avonlea will become this champion sleeper (or just the happiest baby on earth) on our flights.

Please, Jesus.

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