Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Pregnant, Not Disabled

I haven't really had too many things to write about lately, I guess. Though there's been a lot going on, I just haven't felt inspired to write.

I have been feeling really good. I have aches and pains every now and then, but overall, nothing too bad.

I did have a blog-inspiring moment last week.  Nick and I went on a hospital tour last Wednesday, and it was full of women that were similar in their pregnancy time frames as I was (at least, it looked that way to me--we didn't really do an intro session or anything).  I felt like so many of the women were acting disabled!  A couple of women smaller than me were needing to get wheelchairs to do the tour. Umm...what?? Now, keep in mind, this wasn't a long tour or anything. We had a 40-minute powerpoint presentation about the hospital, and then a 30-minute tour of the maternity wards. I thought it was fairly ridiculous how people were like, fawning all over their husbands for assistance.

Now, I know that some women might have been on bed rest or something, so maybe that was the reason for the wheelchairs, but I just got this funny feeling overall that these women were in much worse shape than I was.

I have felt like this numerous times during this pregnancy. At Christmas, I sat on the floor for this game, and they tried to get the game switched to a table just for me. At our Super Bowl party, I went across the room to sit on the floor, and I had 3 people offer their chairs to me. It was sweet, but I actually prefer the floor--but even

after telling people this, they still tried to haul me up into a chair, and felt really badly that they were sitting in a chair and "the pregnant lady is on the floor".

You should see the looks that people give me when I tell them "No, I'm really okay. Two weeks ago, I did a half-marathon." I have never seen so many bugged-out eyes in my life! I mean, I guess it's unusual, but is it really outrageous?

Is pregnancy-disability really that prevalent?  Other than not being able to bend down and tie my shoes as well as I used to, I am still really self-sufficient. I am beginning to feel like maybe it IS unusual, simply because of the fuss that people make over me. Do I look uncomfortable and in need of help?  I am not shoving off people's assistance because I am trying to look full of bravado or something--I genuinely don't need people's help most of the time. While I appreciate the gesture, I feel weirded out by all the fawning.

Nick says that people are just trying to be conscientious of my condition, and trying to be helpful. But I guess that's my issue--why is my pregnancy a "condition"?  I think it's my pride and self-sufficiency that keeps me from accepting help, or asking people to do things for me all the time, but I really don't feel like I *need* it yet.

I will admit, I am using Nick a little bit more than usual--if I get comfortably situated on the couch, and I realize I need my ice pack for my back, I definitely ask him to get it for me. Or, if I am sitting on the floor and someone next to me offers a hand up, I will take it.  But I'm not asking for help every minute of every day. I can get myself up off the couch, and up off the floor. I can carry a plastic folding chair from one set to another at work without any trouble. I can open and hold the door for people on set (people kept apologizing to me when they saw I was holding the door and pregnant--really? It's a door--is it that difficult?).

I really don't feel much different, other than the bowling ball attached to my stomach.

Oh--totally unrelated: I found out that I passed my glucose screening test with flying colors! Yay!


  1. Just have to share my experiences :) Because that is what the comments are for, right?? So, with Jillian - I don't know if you remember but I got really sick (high fever etc.) when I was pregnant with her and had some horrible lung viral infection and I could barely walk up a flight of stairs. It was horrible... I was in bad shape while I was pregnant with her from being so sick and having so much trouble breathing. Fast forward to Drew - I jogged in several 5K's with him, while I was past twenty weeks pregnant and felt great the whole time. So, maybe those ladies had some weird ailment like I did? Maybe all the people who are trying to help you expect you to have some weird ailment also? :) Who knows, but I thought the attention each time was weird. And, then after you have a baby, it's weird when you go back to being normal again. (Kind of like when we were in China and stood out and then when we went home, no one gave us a second glance :) ).

  2. Oh, My WORD, I did not realize I posted a BOOK comment!
