Sunday, November 25, 2012

Halfway Done!

Halfway done!

The baby has been kicking like crazy lately!!  I never felt "the flutter" that people feel. But one night, I laid down at the end of the night, and literally felt the feet kicking me in the front!  What is really fun is that I have been able to feel it on the outside, so Nick has been able to feel it, too. Though, he still maintains that he doesn't know what he's feeling--he thinks it's like, gas or something. :)  No, buddy, that's your kid! I feel it mostly in the morning and in the evening--usually in the car on the way to work. :)

I have (mostly) gotten over finding out what we are having over the phone.  I have just been enjoying knowing what we are having, and planning and dreaming together with Nick.  I had a fun way of telling Nick, which I did get on video, but I am not going to share it until after we tell our families when we go home in December. I love hearing people's theories, though--especially now that we know what we are having!  We have talked about names. I had 4 that I really liked, and Nick vetoed 3 of them. He didn't object to the last one (which was my favorite), so we'll see if it sticks over the next 4 months!

My OB sent me to a perinatologist to get my 20-week ultrasound. They didn't really give me a reason for it--I'm just thinking it is because the peri can do a much more detailed ultrasound, and they wanted to be sure that the test results I got were accurate.  We waited FOR-EV-ER at the peri's office. Our appointment was at 10:15, and we saw the doctor at 11:30. Nick was furious...he was actually wanting to leave. Thankfully, we don't need to go back again, because everything was normal! We got to count the fingers and toes, we could see the irises and the baby's profile in 3D, and the spine was crystal-clear. The peri was funny--he said he would give us a 3D photo, but don't get too excited, because the baby "looks like Skeletor" right now.

I actually thought it looked more like the aliens from "Independence Day". :)

Baby, I love you, but you're looking like an alien.

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