Monday, November 12, 2012

Doctor Woes

Okay, it's official.

I hate my doctor's office.

I am switching immediately.

Reason #1: The first appointment I had in the office, they FORGOT ABOUT ME, and I was sitting in that stupid hospital gown for 45 minutes before someone came in and was surprised to see me in the room still.

Reason #2: They called me last week when they were closing 15 minutes later, to tell me that they had to talk with me about my lab results.

Reason #3: I had to call 6 times on Thursday to get the second test's results. They kept saying they needed to call the lab, and they would call me back. I called them 6 times to keep reminding them. Finally, they called me back at 6:15, and said they had called, but that the lab had closed. Grr!!

Reason #4: Today. I called to get the lab results, which came back negative. Yay! I was relishing in the results of that, when she proceeded to tell me that they also test for gender, and in the same breath, told me the gender.

Umm...I didn't want to know!

Dude. Not cool. ASK.

I actually called back and told the nurse off.

I'm really pissed off. Not because of the results of the test. Yay! Not because of what I'm having. Again, yay! But because I had made it up in my mind that I wasn't going to find out, and I was excited about having this mystery and surprise, and now it is ruined because I am just pissed at my doctor's office.

I don't get the joy of anticipation in the delivery room, focusing on knowing what we are going to have when the pain is over.

I mean, I don't even get the joy of (if we had decided to find out), seeing the images on the ultrasound, and sharing that moment with Nick. Instead, I am sitting here, in my pjs on the couch, seething and crying because the moment is ruined because some dumb nurse didn't have the courtesy to ASK A SIMPLE QUESTION.

I know I need to have perspective. But right now, I'm just mad.


  1. That nurse was a moron!!! Sorry you found out baby's gender that way!

    SOOO thankful that baby Walton is healthy and growing strong! Also, you will be so excited to see the baby when you are in labor - even if you know the gender. Allison, you have been waiting upon this sweet baby for several years my friend and I can promise you this... when you are in labor and it hurts, you will still be so utterly excited about meeting this little babe you (and us) have been praying for! I love you friend!

    If I didn't already say it though... stupid nurse!

  2. I am kind of hating the nurse at your doctor's office too. How frustrating! I'm so sorry the spoiled the surprise for you.

    However I too am so very thankful that the little nugget is all good. So so thankful.

    If you like your doctor then you need to talk to them about the nurses and the phone/bedside manner. I've had talks with one of mom's doctors about a nurse and he took it very seriously and we haven't had any more problems. You deserve good, quality care.

    I noticed that you didn't mention what you are having. I totally respect that. However I'm SURE I'm not the only one dying to know. I felt that I owe it to all of your friends to just put that out there. ;) Love you!

  3. I am so sorry that you found out that way. I should write a book on gender revealing. There is a lot of emotion about the gender of a baby. Reasons 1 - 3 happen all the time, especially with all the visits that I make to the ped's office. But I think you need to go with your gut. If you aren't happy with them now, you won't be happier later. Love you friend.
