Monday, October 29, 2012

Long Night Ahead

I had blood work done at my last appointment (16 weeks). They called and left me a voicemail while I was working today, asking for me to call them about my lab results. They left this voicemail at 2:30, and the office closes at 3.

Who does that?

The 16 week blood work is used to calculate the risk factor of a baby being born with Down's Syndrome or spina bifida.

I have a long, sleepless night ahead of me.

1 comment:

  1. I can imagine how that would worry you a bit. But it could be nothing at all. You and I both know how silly doctors and nurses can be when calling about stuff like that. It very well could be a call saying all is well or they just didn't get enough blood. Could be anything. We will keep praying for you and Nick and healthy, happy little nugget. Keep us updated. Love.
