Saturday, January 29, 2011

Who knew I would be so....intuitive?

Two weeks ago, I wrote about how my mom wouldn't get to meet her grandkids.  And this week, mom let us know that she is stopping treatments.  The doctor has given her around 2-4 months.

A couple of months ago, mom started an experimental, just-approved-by-the-FDA type of treatment.  Mom was informed that this was basically the last type of treatment that they had for her to do.  Well, it wasn't working, and was in fact shutting down her liver functions, as well as other horrible side-effects.

When mom was diagnosed with leukemia in January, my aunt asked her if she would get to a point when she would decide that enough was enough.  If she would know when it was time to end treatment.  At that point, she knew that it wasn't time.  However, now she decided that it is time.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Allison- my heart breaks for you and your family. Praying for your mom and for you. I love you Alli- J
