Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Diving In

I went to buy an ovulation kit yesterday.  Guess I really am going to resign myself to "trying" in Nick's opinion.  HOT DOG those things are expensive!  I guess they're trying to get me used to paying crazy amounts for things.  After all--babies are expensive, right?  I think I'm going to do some more shopping around, though.  I just think that $25 for a week-long test is a little much.


  1. Dear friend- thank you for sharing this blog with me. I truly remember the emotions and thoughts so very similar to what you are dealing with now. Wanting it to just "happen", crying when I started each month, "feeling" like I was pregnant only to find out I wasn't- the disappointments and questioning of "why" and "will it happen?" I will be praying that the ovulation kit will do the trick for you like it did for us. ;) And trust me- it is just as exciting when you have to "plan" for it. I know God is preparing both of you through this process...difficult as the road may be. Praying for you. Call or write if you need to chat or whatever.

  2. I'm not really sure what an ovulation kit does ... there might be some really good suggestions on the internet about how to determine ovulation without using a kit. My cycle is very predictable so I knew that day 11-15 of my cycle were the best days.

  3. Well, I used to be pretty regular, but the last 3 or 4 I've spotted for over a week after. It makes it hard to predict.
