Monday, June 14, 2010

What does "trying" mean?

Nick and I had a conversation last night about what "trying" really means.  He and I have different definitions. 

To me, if you're not using any protection, and you're having sex, you're trying.

According to him, that means that you're hoping to be surprised.

Because according to him, we haven't really been trying to get pregnant.  We've been hoping to be surprised. 

To him, trying is counting and calendars and math and doctors and ovulation kits.

I think that is something above trying.  IS there a level above trying?  Desperation, maybe?  I guess I'm thinking I need to enter that stage.  I found out yesterday that a couple that started "trying" the month after we did are pregnant.  And my initial reaction was to cry.  I am happy for them.  Really.

I guess I don't want to go to the level above trying because I wanted it to be easy and spontaneous.  But the people who know that we're trying are starting to give me a different look--you know, the "oh you've been trying for 8 months, do you have something wrong?" look.  And it's starting to freak me out.

I talked to a high school friend the other day.  She had a hard time getting pregnant with her first.  She said her ob/gyn said that because she was so athletic, her cycle was probably not a standard length.  So she actually had a shorter window.  That made me feel a little bit better, because I probably fit into that category well.  I mean, I just finished training for a half-marathon, and I play soccer 2x a week and softball once a week.

I think I just need to suck it up and go to the doctor and read up a little more.  Let's face it: I'm not a teenager anymore.  I'm 31, and this is probably not going to be easy.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry Allison but I agree with Nick on this one. For most women there's only a few days each month where it's possible to get pregnant. My bro and his wife wanted to he surprised with their second and after waiting a year, they decided to time it right with ovulation and they were pregnant the next month. This may not happen with you, but timing could help.
    Btw- I like the new look of the blog.
