Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tick, tock goes the baby clock... (round 1)

My husband is afraid of babies.

I know a lot of women say that, but with Nick, it's true.  Whenever little kids/babies are around, he will move.  And if he's unable to move seats completely, then he will lean as far away from them as possible--as if they are diseased or something.

I'm not sure where this comes from.  He's never really been around babies.  All of his brothers/sister are just a couple years younger than him, so he never had to take care of an infant sibling.  He didn't live close to extended family, so no one in his family had babies for him to see.  They didn't go to a big church with a nursery like I did.  I guess it's just a bunch of contributing factors.

When Nick and I got married, it was very firmly established: yes to kids, no to right now.  I always said, "We'll have kids when Nick stops being scared of them."  I've always wanted kids.  Lots of them.  In fact, I am quoted as saying I wanted 8 children at one point (I'm a little more aware of what that means now).  I was okay not having kids right away in our marriage.  After all, I wanted to be married to Nick for a while first.  Enjoy ourselves as a couple before starting a new life together.  But after a couple of years, I started to hear the ticking of the proverbial clock.  At our 3rd anniversary dinner, I asked Nick, "Are you ever going to want to have kids, or is this a decision I'm going to have to come to on my own?"  When he asked what I meant, I explained, "Well, you going to change your mind someday, or am I just going to have to start popping my pills into the trash?"

I always wondered if maybe God would give us a "miracle baby" to help Nick along.  You know--I'm still on the pill, but we get pregnant anyway?  I have a few friends from school who this has happened to, so I wouldn't have been surprised.  Though, after the discussion about the trash-pilling, I'm not sure Nick would ever believe it was an accident.

I was a faithful pill-popper, though.  Ortho Tri-Cyclen.  I started taking it about a year before we got married--not because I needed the fertilization protection.  Nick and I didn't have sex until we were married.  I've always had a bad acne problem (mostly on my back), and so I started taking it so that I would actually be able to wear a bathing suit in public without being completely embarrassed by my skin.  I tend to be kind of forgetful sometimes, but for some reason, I never forgot about my pills.  Probably because of the years I had such terrible skin--I didn't want to go back to that at any cost.

After that 3rd year, the ticking settled down a bit.  Probably because we got another dog.  I can tell already what it's going to be like with kids, though--pop one out, and about a year and a half later, you start wanting another one.  When we got Waldo, he had so many health problems, it pretty much settled the kid thing down.  Now Waldo's a year and a half, and healthy, and guess what.... Tick, tock (round 2)!

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