Monday, December 16, 2013

Short Update on Life

I haven't written in a while. The holidays are here, which means busy, busy, busy. Every year, I seem to tell myself that I'll slow down and enjoy myself more the next year, but the next year comes around, and I seem to be behind the 8-ball again.  It doesn't help that we shorten the season by 10 days by traveling to Ohio and Indiana. My determination to not decorate until Thanksgiving might have to come to an end if we travel again next Christmas. I don't get enough time to enjoy the decorations!

Avonlea is 8 months now, and changing every day. It is amazing the new things she is learning to do. She is currently cutting her first tooth. She is using her index finger to explore every new thing she sees, and she's already at the point where her toys are not as interesting as electrical cords.  She's not really interested in crawling yet--mostly because she likes to be lazy and just lay on her back. Hopefully she'll start to move soon!

What a sweet girl she is turning out to be. She is smiles all the time. We go to the grocery store, or the mall, or Target, and everyone just oohs and aahs over her. I always tell her to say hi and be friendly, and she flashes her cute grin. She is good about going to people, too. Her initial separation anxiety has pretty much gone away, and she will now go to anyone. She always looks back at me as if to ask, "is this okay?" but then enjoys her time visiting with others.

I recently turned down a job offer. It was an amazing opportunity, one I would like to have come back to me again sometime in the future, but I am just not quite ready to leave Avonlea full-time yet. I understand how many families depend on a 2-income household, and believe me, we are a family that could certainly use it. But both Nick and I just didn't feel like it was time yet, so we are willing to make the sacrifices we need to make in order for me to be able to stay home.

I am still enjoying my "Baby Mamas" group that meets once a week. We recently added a new mom to the group, and we also added a new baby, too!  Sweet Dianna had her baby girl, Evie, taking our girl total up to 3--Evie, Ava, and Avonlea.  They are still sorely outnumbered by the boys, though, with Samuel, Levi, Noah, Wyatt, Quinn, Fletcher, Joshua, and two incubating boys keeping the testosterone levels high.  At least our girls will learn to be rough-and-tumble--Avonlea is already used to being poked in the eyes and climbed over. :)

Avonlea had her first major sickness. She had a fever of 102 for a couple of days, though with no other real symptoms. We took her to the doctor because of the impending airline flight, to rule out an ear infection. They had to do a urinalysis. Have you ever thought about how a baby gives a urine sample?  They basically taped a pee bag to her private parts, then I had to wait around until she peed, and then peel off the bag and put it into a pee cup. It was one of the weirdest things I have ever done. Thankfully, the sample came back negative for an infection. She just had a weird virus--the doctor thinks it was probably roseola.

I did a body-after-baby bootcamp, and was doing really well before Thanksgiving. I've kind of "fallen off the wagon" a bit, which is going to be rough, considering I have a half-marathon coming up. With traveling and the baby being sick, I just haven't had the time. I hope to get back into the swing of things when I get back to California.

I have a few other things to post about, so I will have to do so again soon. Right now, I'm headed to bed--I have a lively 8-month old to chase after tomorrow!

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